Hands of Coffee - Seedling


Here at Kiwanda, we’re all about the appreciation of coffee. Our ‘Hands of Coffee’ photo series, adorning the cafe walls, speaks to our relationship with coffee-growing communities and the journey of your daily coffee from earth to enjoyment.

There are many steps between the planting of a coffee bean and enjoying a freshly made brew and the coffee journey begins with a simple seed that is planted in the earth.

The seeds are generally planted in nurseries where they soon develop into a seedling. Requiring frequent watering, the seedlings are shaded from direct sunlight until they are robust enough to be planted in a crop.  Once they are permanently planted, the flavours, aromas, sugars and acids of each coffee bean begin to develop.

Zarraffa’s Coffee has a strong kinship with the town of Meru, located in Mt Kenya, East Africa. Meru is where our speciality coffee beans originate from and where our handpicked coffee crops are grown.

Deeply connected to the Meru community and the nearby rhino conservation, Zarraffa’s Coffee have developed a ‘Trade Not Aid’ program with the township, where we work fairly with our farmers and help their communities to thrive and grow. This program has evolved from our ‘More Than Just a Cup of Coffee’ philosophy that symbolises our commitment to giving back to the communities from which we operate. 

As you can see, this one stunning photo is the representation of a piece in the much bigger picture of the ‘Plant to Cup’ journey of coffee and everyone that is involved. 

For more information about Zarraffa’s partnerships, please visit the Zarraffa’s Coffee website.
