Hands of Coffee - Seedling

Here at Kiwanda, we’re all about the appreciation of coffee. Our ‘Hands of Coffee’ photo series, adorning the cafe walls, speaks to our relationship with coffee-growing communities and the journey of your daily coffee from earth to enjoyment.

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Cold Drip Method

At Zarraffas Coffee we have prided ourselves on providing you with an Individually Perfect Cup of Coffee. Every Time! Up until now this has been with an espresso-based extraction method, now we want to start introducing you the true diversity of what coffee can be, through all of the different extraction methods. Enter Zarraffa’s Coffee Kiwanda Café, Zarraffa’s forte into fifth wave coffee.

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Advanced Cold Drip Techniques

We hope your foray into cold drip coffee has been fun and enlightening. Today we are going to cover some advanced techniques for getting a little more flavour out of your cold drip brew. For more on the cold drip method, read our Cold Drip Method post.

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Plunger/French Press

Today we are going to introduce you to a brewing method that is a home favourite – the French Press or Plunger. This method is a simple, easy and quick brewing technique while still producing a decent cup of coffee. The French Press, or as many may know it, the coffee plunger, has been around since approximately 1929. The method of extraction used with the French Press is immersion. Immersion refers to the process of completely immersing the ground coffee in liquid for a certain amount of time to extract the flavours and other dissolvable solids into the water.

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Batch Brew

We’d like to introduce you to another coffee brew method that you may have used before - the batch brew. Before you assume that this is just another American diner batch brew, let us explain how to lift it to the next level! Batch brewing has come a long way in recent years along with our understanding coffee, and batch brewing can produce consistently excellent coffees by making sure to control a few key factors.

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